‘US$ 800 Million Loan From Sberbank For The Construction Of Akkuyu NPP

Russian bank Sberbank will provide a loan to AKKUYU NÜKLEER A.Ş for the construction of Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (NGS). For this purpose, two loans of 500 million and 300 million US dollars will be given to the company for 7 years and the loans will be used for the construction of 4 units of the NPP.

Sberbank Deputy Chairman of the Board Anatoly Popov reminded that Sberbank provided a 7-year maturity loan of 400 million dollars for AKKUYU NUKEER A.Ş. nuclear power became the first loan provider of the large-scale project aiming to build the power plant. We are pleased to continue the financing as this project is of strategic importance for the bank. Sberbank maintains its leading position among the lenders of this largest international project of Rosatom, with new loans amounting to USD 800 million opened this year.

AKKUYU NUCLEAR INC. Anton Dedusenko, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Sustainable Development and Shareholder Relations, evaluated their partnership with Sberbank as follows: “This year, the construction speed of Akkuyu NPP has reached a new level. Today, work is being carried out at various stages on all 4 power units. We completed the licensing process with the issuance of the license for the construction of the 4th power unit in October and we are approaching the climax of the construction work. Russian banks support sustainable, low-carbon electricity generation projects and respond enthusiastically to our loan needs. We are pleased to have Sberbank as our long-term and reliable partner.”

akkuyu NGSakkuyu NPPakkuyu nuclear power plantakkuyu nükleer güç santralicreditfinancingfinansmankredinuclear energynükleer enerjiRosatomSberbank
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