‘Isbir’ Takes a Pioneer Step in Carbon Footprint Measurement

The measures taken to understand and eliminate the importance of carbon footprint are of great importance for the sustainability of companies. In this context, the European Union’s call to reduce its carbon footprint to 50% in 2030 and to zero in 2050 with the EU Green Consensus prompted companies to take action. Having an environmental and sustainable business approach, İşbir Bedding started a new step in its environmentalist approach with the measurement of carbon footprint in its business processes. This step of İşbir Bedding is a first in the mattress industry.

Environmental and social sustainability issues, especially issues such as combating climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and using renewable energy, are of great importance.

Research conducted on the subject reveals that 6 provinces in Turkey are among the 500 provinces with the highest carbon footprint in the world ranking. Among these cities, Istanbul ranks 26th, while Ankara ranks 80th.


Emphasizing the importance of reducing the carbon footprint for a cleaner environment and future, İşbir Bedding General Manager Ahmet Tokeri said, “Electricity is in our every field, from natural gas consumption to chemicals used in production, from production vehicles to chemicals that can be used in shipping, transportation vehicles and possible fire systems. We do our carbon measurement processes. After the measurements here are completed, we will make updates at all points in line with our sustainable business approach. In this context, we make choices in the raw materials of all our products in line with our sustainability understanding.

We want to present our vision towards the environment, people and society in the best possible way through our innovation studies in our business processes. As a brand that acts with an environmentalist and sustainability approach, we want to speak the language of the future. We will do our best for this world, which is our home, and we will continue to break new ground with our innovative projects after our carbon footprint measurements are completed.” he said.

AB Yeşil Mutabakatıçevreci sürdürülebilirlik anlayışıenerji sektörü piyasası haberleriiklim değişikliğiyle mücadeleİşbir Yatak haberlerikarbon ayak izi ölçümleriKarbon ayak izini azaltmakkarbon ayak izinin ölçümlenmesisera gazı emisyonlarını azaltmaksürdürülebilir yaşam haberleri
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