Energy Newspaper ‘Energy Systems Engineers’ Works With!

As the Energy Newspaper family; For more than 6 years, we have started our activities for Energy Systems Engineers at the beginning of September as our 7/24 online energy news platform that advances with an objective, up-to-date and principled sectoral understanding in every branch of the energy sector, especially for clean & renewable energy and energy efficiency. we are proud and proud of maintaining our social responsibility project.

In our Energy Newspaper, from September 2018 to the present day, we continue our efforts to improve the adaptation of our students who are ilgi Energy Systems Engineer ında to the sector and the energy branch they are interested in.

For thematic studies among themselves, our engineer friends, grouped in time, coordinated in time, will add ve Energy içinde and develop themselves by adding color to the readers and readers with their articles and columns in the branches where they will gain expertise in all branches of energy.

Sector Stakeholder companies in each branch of energy; With the em Information Fold Up Philosophy ler, we can also provide financial support to us as a spiritual and (or) corporate member with both sharing of training notes and sharing of digital resources and educational videos.

In this social responsibility project, our trainee engineers and our friends who want to contribute to our social responsibility project will be able to reach to me by e-mail address or from the number +90 532 765 61 09 gsm and whatsup.

I wish everyone plenty of energy days and weeks…

Sarp ALTINEL – Energy Newspaper / Editor-in-Chief

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