‘Asagi Kaleköy HEPP’ Transformed into Hybrid with Solar Power Plant

The Lower Kaleköy Dam and hydroelectric power plant (HES) in Bingöl, with an installed power of 510 MW, turned into a hybrid with the investment of a solar power plant.

Cengiz Holding Energy Group President Ahmet Cengiz stated that the power plant has the title of the first hybrid power plant in Turkey and the second largest in the world with the GES installed on the Aşağı Kaleköy HEPP site, while with the additional 80 mW GES power plant project consisting of 200 thousand solar panels. Aşağı Kaleköy HEPP has become a hybrid power plant with a total capacity of 590 MW.

In addition, Cengiz said, “As a group, we will focus on renewable energy sources in the coming period. In the short term, we want to increase the number of hybrid power plants.” said.

Aşağı Kaleköy Barajı ve hidroelektrik santrali (HES)Aşağı Kaleköy Dam and hydroelectric power plant (HEPP)Aşağı Kaleköy HEPPAşağı Kaleköy HESCengiz Holding haberleriCengiz Holding newsclean and renewable energy newsgüneş enerjisi santrali yatırımıHEPP newshes haberlerihibrit enerji santralihibrit enerji santrali haberlerihidroelektrik santrali (hes) haberlerihybrid power planthybrid power plant newshydroelectric power plant (HEPP) newsKaleköy HEPP newsKaleköy HES haberlerisolar power plant investmenttemiz ve yenilenebilir enerji haberleri
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