Global Oil Production Increases in August

In the monthly report published by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), global oil production increased by 30,000 barrels per day on average in August 2021 compared to the previous month, and became 95.69 million barrels/day, compared to 4.93 million barrels per day in 2020. barrel/day increased.

According to the Petroleum Market, OPEC’s report, in August, OPEC’s crude oil production amounted to 26 million 762 thousand barrels/day, with an increase of 151 thousand barrels/day compared to the previous month. OPEC’s market share increased by 0.2% to 28%.

In the monthly report published by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), global oil production reached 95.69 million barrels/day in August 2021, with an average daily increase of 30 thousand barrels compared to the previous month. Production increased by 4.93 million barrels/day compared to August 2020.

Ağustos Kaynak: Küresel petrol üretimi Ağustos’ta arttıakaryakıt sektörü haberleriarzcrude oil productionDemandfuel sector newsGlobal oil productionGlobal oil production increased in AugustGlobal petrol üretimiham petrol üretimioiloil newsoil productionoil sector newsopecpetrolpetrol haberleripetrol sektörü haberleripetrol üretimiproductionsupplyTalepüretim
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